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Understanding the National Transportation Safety Board

National Transportation Safety Board

What is the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)?

The National Transportation Safety Board is an Independent Federal Agency responsible for the regulation, review, investigation, and oversight regarding non-military, transportation endeavors, which includes both private and commercial means of travel and transit; the railroad, automotive, nautical, and aeronautic industries are collectively under the investigative jurisdiction of the NTSB. In accordance to both the methodology and ideology concerning the operation of the NTSB, the following circumstances may render situational and legal review conducted by NTSB authorities:

Collisions, mishaps, and damage both caused and sustained with regard to accidents taking place within the realm of transit; upon an NTSB review, the legality of the operations, as well as the integrity of the manufacture of that means of transportation is subject to legal analysis

Although the President of the United States retains administrative jurisdiction over the National Transportation Safety Board, the presence of a committee of directors allows for a decreased executive authority over hiring, staffing, and administration

National Transportation Safety Board Quick Facts

Independent Federal Agencies are typically without a single director or executive; in contrast, independent government agencies – such as the National Transportation Safety Board - are overseen by an executive directorial board; due to this fact, the Executive Branch retains less managerial oversight of the National Transportation Safety Board than its agency counterparts - the following details outline the structuring of the National Transportation Safety Board:

The National Transportation Safety Board was founded on April 1st, 1967 – originally titled as the Civil Aeronautics Board; subsequent to the passing of Independent Safety Act of 1975, the name was officially changed to the NTSB

The headquarters of the National Transportation Safety Board are located in Washington, D.C.

The National Transportation Safety Board is chaired by Mark Rosenker – it is not uncommon for independent government agencies including terms such as ‘Board’ in their respective title to undertake a group or board management structure in lieu of a single director

Independent Government Agencies vs. Executive Government Agencies

Independent Government Agencies are specific organizations and bureaus under the over arching jurisdiction of the Federal Government of the United States; however, these independent agencies are typically without a specified Department responsible for their respective oversight and administration. However, while non-independent government agencies are classified as existing under the jurisdiction of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, the National Transportation Safety Board – as well as the bulk of independent government agencies – are under varying degrees of the Executive branch’s jurisdiction:

National Transportation Safety Board: Legal Information and Further Assistance

The operation and administration of the National Transportation Safety Board resides under the jurisdiction of the legal field classified as Administrative Law includes the administration of government programs, as well as the administration and operation of government agencies, and the establishment of a legal, regulatory federal standard:

Please find both the primary address and telephones number of the National Transportation Safety Board below:

National Transportation Safety Board

490 L'Enfant Plaza East, SW

Washington, D.C.


(202) 314-6000

NEXT: Understanding the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

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