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Quick Glance into the Office for Civil Rights

Office For Civil Rights

What is the Office for Civil Rights?

The Office for Civil Rights is a sub-Federal Agency of the United States Department of Education that is primarily responsible for maintaining; protecting and improving civil rights in federally funded or assisted education programs throughout the United States. The Office for Civil Rights aims to uphold Civil Rights in education by prohibiting discrimination on the basis of color, race, national origin, age, sexual preference, handicap or allegiance to a patriotic youth organization.

The Office for Civil Rights is one of the primary federal civil rights agencies in the United States of America; the Office for Civil Rights operates with a staff of approximately 650 legal professionals, investigators and civilian employees. As a general initiative, the Office for Civil Rights is responsible for ensuring compliance by those schools or educators who are recipients of federal education funds with America’s civil rights laws, including the following Acts

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act

The Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

The Age Discrimination Act of 1975

The Office for Civil Rights is located in twelve regional offices throughout the country, but maintains its headquarters in Washington, D.C.

How is the Office for Civil Rights Organized?

The Office for Civil Rights is headed by the United States Assistant Secretary of Education for Civil Rights; a prominent position within the United States Department of Education. As the head of the Office for Civil Rights, the United States Assistant Secretary of Education for Civil Rights assumes the position of the primary civil rights advisor to the United States Secretary of Education.

In present times, the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights is Russlynn Ali; former holders of this position include Clarence Thomas, Michael Williams, Gerald Reynolds and Norma Cantu.

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